Thursday, 27 May 2010

All Things Green: Thursday 27 May 2010

Bought 2 trays of sweetcorn and 1 basil plant from Mr Falla's, followed by a quick detour around Earlswood for a couple of in-door pots.

Stopped by the allotment to check everything following Wednesday's heavy rain.  A sustained watering has transformed the plot.  Beetroot and Parsnips looking a lot hardier now, while the artichokes have set two crowns and the strawberries are firming up.  On Sunday we'll need to tackle the grass and weeds again, as well as plant out the sweetcorn and squash plants. As the ground was still good & moist I shovelled on a good layer of well rotted (& worm invested) bark mulch around the celeriac  seedlings.

Back at home the basil and chilli plants got potted up and strategically positioned in sunny window sills.

All Things Green: Thursday 27 May 2010